Sunday, February 14, 2010

Animal Rights (Second Post)

(source from

I felt sorry for animal that have been violated, killed without mercy by senseless people! It is utterly unforgivable. Take example like the recent massacre of sea lions at the Japan coastline by senseless fishermen. Killing animals without reason has to be dealt with by the law that has been given which is animal rights. Nowadays, we can help animals by creating a campaign and donating to several foundations that stood by animal rights such as World Wide Fund for Nature or it's former name World Wildlife Fund (WWF) and Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA). These foundations stood by the law to prevent killing animals and violation towards nature.
I hate killers! They are so pathetic killing innocent animals just for their own enjoyment and for a quick buck. You know what i mean right? They thought everything wont come without consequences, well they're wrong to violate the law.

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