Sunday, February 7, 2010

Racial Harmony (Second Post)

From what I have written earlier, we can see that our country is making an effort to unite the people. But from a survey conducted by IPS News online, it was shown that the various races live peacefully but separately. How is that possible? From my point of view, this is because every race prefers living in the same community of their own race. They do not interfere in other races problems or lifestyle. I believe the leaders are trying to get all the races to unite and live as Malaysians, not just live in Malaysia peacefully. Sincerely I think this needs major effort and hard work. All of us have different perceptions towards others, some may like the idea but some may not. The first start is to make friends with people of different races. Get to know them and then try to tolerate and adapt to their lifestyles. This might sound easy but not everyone can keep up with this relationship for long. Arguments and misunderstandings will definitely cause problem to multiracial friendship but any problems arise should be solve as Malaysians, not as any specific race.
However the government policy certainly does not help in this matter. It can be seen from how they help the Malays in employment, education, scholarships and business to cheaper housing and assisted savings. This shows that the country has a favourite race, and this idea is not an ideal one for other races. In order to put everything back at ease, the government has introduced the concept of “vision school” and the National Service Programme. Although these two contributions are showing slow results, this might be a good step to One Malaysia.

As a good and responsible citizen of Malaysia, we also have to contribute ideas and efforts in making this possible.